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Opinions of the Court - 2019

The opinions collected here are those issued during October Term 2019 (October 07, 2019, through October 04, 2020). Opinions are posted on the website upon release in slip opinion format. Slip opinions remain posted until replaced with opinions edited to reflect the usual publication style of the United States Reports, including final pagination that will carry forward unchanged in the corresponding preliminary prints and the bound volumes of the United States Reports.

Term Year: 2019      Table Information
R- Date Docket Name J. Citation
63 7/14/20 20A8 Barr v. Lee PC 591 U.S. 979
62 7/09/20 17-1107 Sharp v. Murphy PC 591 U.S. 977
61 7/09/20 18-9526 McGirt v. Oklahoma NG 591 U. S. 894
60 7/09/20 19-715 Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP R 591 U.S. 848
59 7/09/20 19-635 Trump v. Vance R 591 U.S. 786
58 7/08/20 19-267 Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru A 591 U.S. 732
57 7/08/20 19-431 Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania T 591 U.S. 657
56 7/06/20 19-518 Colorado Dept. of State v. Baca PC 591 U.S. 655
55 7/06/20 19-631 Barr v. American Assn. of Political Consultants, Inc. BK 591 U.S. 610
54 7/06/20 19-465 Chiafalo v. Washington EK 591 U.S. 578
R- Date Docket Name J. Citation
53 6/30/20 19-46 Patent and Trademark Office v. B. V. G 591 U.S. 549
52 6/30/20 18-1195 Espinoza v. Montana Dept. of Revenue R 591 U.S. 464
51 6/29/20 19-177 Agency for Int’l Development v. Alliance for Open Society BK 591 U.S. 430
50 6/29/20 18-1323 June Medical Services L. L. C. v. Russo B 591 U.S. 299
49 6/29/20 19-7 Seila Law LLC v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau R 591 U.S. 197
48 6/25/20 19-161 Department of Homeland Security v. Thuraissigiam A 591 U.S. 103
47 6/22/20 18-1501 Liu v. SEC SS 591 U.S. 71
46 6/18/20 18-587 Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of Univ. of Cal. R 591 U.S. 1
45 6/15/20 18-9674 Andrus v. Texas PC 590 U.S. 806
44 6/15/20 17-1618 Bostock v. Clayton County NG 590 U.S. 644
43 6/15/20 18-1584 United States Forest Service v. Cowpasture River Preservation Assn. T 590 U.S. 604
42 6/08/20 18-8369 Lomax v. Ortiz-Marquez EK 590 U.S. 595
41 6/01/20 18-1432 Nasrallah v. Barr BK 590 U.S. 573
40 6/01/20 17-1712 Thole v. U. S. Bank N. A. BK 590 U.S. 538
39 6/01/20 18-6943 Banister v. Davis EK 590 U.S. 504
38 6/01/20 18-1334 Financial Oversight and Management Bd. for Puerto Rico v. Aurelius Investment, LLC B 590 U.S. 448
37 6/01/20 18-1048 GE Energy Power Conversion France SAS v. Outokumpu Stainless USA, LLC T 590 U.S. 432
36 5/18/20 17-1268 Opati v. Republic of Sudan NG 590 U.S. 418
35 5/14/20 18-1086 Lucky Brand Dungarees, Inc. v. Marcel Fashions Group, Inc. SS 590 U.S. 405
34 5/07/20 18-1059 Kelly v. United States EK 590 U.S. 391
33 5/07/20 19-67 United States v. Sineneng-Smith G 590 U.S. 371
32 4/27/20 18-280 New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. City of New York PC 590 U.S. 336
31 4/27/20 18-1023 Maine Community Health Options v. United States SS 590 U.S. 296
30 4/27/20 18-1150 Georgia v. Public Resource.Org, Inc. R 590 U.S. 255
29 4/23/20 18-725 Barton v. Barr BK 590 U.S. 222
28 4/23/20 18-1233 Romag Fasteners, Inc. v. Fossil Group, Inc. NG 590 U.S. 212
27 4/23/20 18-260 County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund B 590 U.S. 165
26 4/20/20 18-5924 Ramos v. Louisiana NG 590 U.S. 83
25 4/20/20 18-916 Thryv, Inc. v. Click-To-Call Technologies, LP G 590 U.S. 45
24 4/20/20 17-1498 Atlantic Richfield Co. v. Christian R 590 U.S. 1
23 4/06/20 19A1016 Republican National Committee v. Democratic National Committee PC 589 U.S. 423
22 4/06/20 18-882 Babb v. Wilkie A 589 U.S. 399
21 4/06/20 18-556 Kansas v. Glover T 589 U.S. 376
20 3/30/20 18-565 CITGO Asphalt Refining Co. v. Frescati Shipping Co. SS 589 U.S. 348
19 3/23/20 19-5421 Davis v. United States PC 589 U.S. 345
18 3/23/20 18-1171 Comcast Corp. v. National Assn. of African-American Owned Media NG 589 U.S. 327
17 3/23/20 18-6135 Kahler v. Kansas EK 589 U.S. 271
16 3/23/20 18-877 Allen v. Cooper EK 589 U.S. 248
15 3/23/20 18-776 Guerrero-Lasprilla v. Barr B 589 U.S. 221
14 3/03/20 17-834 Kansas v. Garcia A 589 U.S. 191
13 2/26/20 18-1116 Intel Corp. Investment Policy Comm. v. Sulyma A 589 U.S. 178
12 2/26/20 18-7739 Holguin-Hernandez v. United States B 589 U.S. 169
11 2/26/20 18-6662 Shular v. United States G 589 U.S. 154
10 2/25/20 18-1109 McKinney v. Arizona BK 589 U.S. 139
9 2/25/20 18-1269 Rodriguez v. FDIC NG 589 U.S. 132
8 2/25/20 17-1678 Hernández v. Mesa A 589 U.S. 93
7 2/25/20 18-935 Monasky v. Taglieri G 589 U.S. 68
6 2/24/20 18-921 Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Juan v. Acevedo Feliciano PC 589 U.S. 57
5 1/14/20 18-1165 Retirement Plans Comm. of IBM v. Jander PC 589 U.S. 49
4 1/14/20 18-938 Ritzen Group, Inc. v. Jackson Masonry, LLC G 589 U.S. 35
3 12/11/19 18-801 Peter v. NantKwest, Inc. SS 589 U.S. 23
2 12/10/19 18-328 Rotkiske v. Klemm T 589 U.S. 8
1 11/25/19 19-122 Thompson v. Hebdon PC 589 U.S. 1


SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543