~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~Phone~~~ |
Attorneys for Petitioner: | | |
Cary Michael Lambrix |
#482053 | |
PO Box 800 (G-Dorm) | |
| Raiford, FL 32083 | |
Party name: |
Attorneys for Respondent: | | |
Candance M. Sabella |
Chief Assistant Attorney General | (813) 287-7910 |
Counsel of Record |
Office of the Attorney General | |
| 3507 E. Frontage Rd., Ste. 200 | |
| Tampa, FL 33607-7013 | |
| candance.sabella@myfloridalegal.com |
Party name: Julie Jones,Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections |