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Docket for 18-879
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No. 18-879
Title:Electric Power Supply Association, et al., Petitioners
John B. Rhodes, et al.
Docketed:January 9, 2019
Linked with 18A635
Lower Ct:United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
   Case Numbers:(17-2654-cv)
   Decision Date:September 27, 2018
   Rehearing Denied:
  Discretionary Court Decision Date:
Questions Presented

DateProceedings and Orders
Dec 14 2018Application (18A635) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from December 26, 2018 to January 7, 2019, submitted to Justice Ginsburg.
Main DocumentLower Court Orders/OpinionsProof of Service
Dec 18 2018Application (18A635) granted by Justice Ginsburg extending the time to file until January 7, 2019.
Jan 07 2019Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due February 8, 2019)
PetitionCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Jan 15 2019Motion to extend the time to file a response from February 8, 2019 to March 11, 2019, submitted to The Clerk.
Main Document
Jan 17 2019Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including March 11, 2019.
Jan 18 2019Blanket Consent filed by Petitioners, Electric Power Supply Association, et al..
Blanket Consent
Jan 22 2019Blanket Consent filed by Respondents, Exelon Corporation, et al..
Blanket ConsentProof of Service
Jan 22 2019Blanket Consent filed by Respondents, John B. Rhodes, et al.
Blanket Consent
Jan 25 2019Motion to extend the time to file a response from February 8, 2019 to March 11, 2019, submitted to The Clerk.
Main DocumentProof of Service
Jan 25 2019Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including March 11, 2019, for all respondents.
Feb 07 2019Brief amici curiae of Energy Economists filed. VIDED.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Feb 07 2019Brief amicus curiae of Monitoring Analytics, LLC filed. VIDED.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Feb 08 2019Brief amici curiae of American Petroleum Institute, et al. filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Feb 08 2019Brief amici curiae of Industrial Customers filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 11 2019Brief of respondents Exelon Corporation, R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant LLC, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC and Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC in opposition filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 11 2019Brief of New York State Respondents in opposition filed.
OtherMain DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 26 2019Reply of petitioners Electric Power Supply Association, et al. filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 27 2019DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 4/12/2019.
Apr 15 2019Petition DENIED.

Attorneys for Petitioners
Donald B. Verrilli Jr.
    Counsel of Record
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
1155 F Streeet NW
7th Floor
Washington, DC 20004
Party name: Electric Power Supply Association, et al.
Attorneys for Respondents
Matthew Eben Price
    Counsel of Record
Jenner & Block, LLP
1099 New York Ave. NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20001
Party name: Exelon Corporation, R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant LLC, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC and Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC
John J. Sipos
    Counsel of Record
New York State Department of Public Service
Office of General Counsel
3 Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12223-1350
Party name: John Rhodes, et al.
Scott Harris Strauss
    Counsel of Record
Spiegel & McDiarmid, LLP
1875 Eye Street NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20006
Party name: John B. Rhodes, et al.
Sarah Elaine Harrington
    Counsel of Record
Goldstein & Russell, P.C.
7475 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 850
Bethesda, MD 20814
Jeffrey Whitefield Mayes
    Counsel of Record
Monitoring Analytics, LLC
2621 Van Buren Avenue, Suite 160
Eagleville, PA 19403
Party name: Monitoring Analytics, LLC
Aaron M. Panner
    Counsel of Record
Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel & Frederick, P.L.L.C.
1615 M Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036-3209
Party name: Energy Economists
Robert A. Weishaar Jr.
    Counsel of Record
McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC
1200 G Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Party name: Industrial Customers


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