~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~Phone~~~ |
Attorneys for Petitioner: | | |
Bert W. Rein |
Wiley Rein LLP | (202) 719-7080 |
| 1776 K Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| brein@wileyrein.com |
Party name: Abigail Noel Fisher |
Attorneys for Respondents: | | |
Gregory G. Garre |
Latham & Watkins, LLP | (202) 637-2207 |
Counsel of Record | 555 11th Street, N.W. | |
| Suite 1000 | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| gregory.garre@lw.com |
Party name: University of Texas at Austin, and Individual Respondents |
Other: | | |
Jonathan M. Albano |
Morgan Lewis Bockius LLP | (617) 951-8000 |
| One Federal Street | |
| Boston, MA 02110 | |
| jonathan.albano@morganlewis.com |
Party name: Boston Bar Association, et al. |
| | |
Angelo N. Ancheta |
53 Delano Avenue | (415) 672-1737 |
| San Francisco, CA 94112 | |
| ancheta.law@gmail.com |
Party name: American Educational Research Association, et al. |
| | |
Deborah N. Archer |
New York Law School Racial Justice Project | (212)-431-2138 |
| Impact Center for Public Interest Law | |
| 185 West Broadway | |
| New York, NY 10013 | |
| deborah.archer@nyls.edu |
Party name: New York Law School Racial Justice Project |
| | |
Patricia Astorga |
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP | (212) 530-5000 |
| 28 Liberty Street | |
| New York, NY 10005 | |
| pastorga@milbank.com |
Party name: Teach for America, et al. |
| | |
Donald B. Ayer |
Jones Day | (202) 879-3939 |
| 51 Louisiana Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20001-2113 | |
| dbayer@jonesday.com |
Party name: Dupont, IBM, Intel, and National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering |
| | |
Junis L. Baldon |
Frost Brown Todd LLC | (502) 589-5400 |
| 400 West Market Street, 32nd Floor | |
| Louisville, KY 40202-3363 | |
| jbaldon@fbtlaw.com |
Party name: Professors Cedric Merlin Powell, et al. |
| | |
Lisa Heather Bebchick |
Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson | (212)-859-8012 |
| One New York Plaza | |
| New York, NY 10004 | |
| lisa.bebchick@friedfrank.com |
Party name: Anti-Defamation League |
| | |
Bradley A. Benbrook |
Benbrook Law Group, PC | (916) 447-4900 |
| 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1610 | |
| Sacramento, CA 95814 | |
| brad@benbrooklawgroup.com |
Party name: Judicial Education Project |
| | |
Brigida Benitez |
Steptoe & Johnson LLP | (202) 429-3000 |
| 1330 Connecticut Ave., NW | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| bbenitez@steptoe.com |
Party name: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and the Southern Poverty Law Center, et al. |
| | |
Lisa S. Blatt |
Arnold & Porter LLP | (202) 942-5000 |
| 601 Massachusetts Ave., NW | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| Lisa.Blatt@aporter.com |
Party name: American Psychological Association |
| | |
Gary L. Bledsoe |
Bledsoe & Associates | (512) 322-9992 |
| 316 West 12th Street, Suite 307 | |
| Austin, TX 78701 | |
| garybledsoe@sbcglobal.net |
Party name: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and Texas State Conference of the NAACP |
| | |
James F. Blumstein |
Vanderbilt University School of Law | (615) 322-3710 |
| 131 21st Avenue S. | |
| Nashville, TN 37203-1181 | |
| james.blumstein@law.vanderbilt.edu |
Party name: James F. Blumstein |
| | |
Marisa Bono |
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund | (210)-224-5476 |
| 110 Broadway Suite 300 | |
| San Antonio, TX 78205 | |
| mbono@maldef.org |
Party name: National and Texas Latino Organizations |
| | |
David C. Boyle |
P.O. Box 15143 | (734)-904-6132 |
| Long Beach, CA 90815 | |
| dbo@boyleslaw.org |
Party name: David Boyle |
| | |
C. Mitchell Brown |
Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP | (803) 799-2000 |
| 1320 Main Street | |
| Columbia, SC 29201 | |
| mitch.brown@nelsonmullins.com |
Party name: The College Board, AACRAO, NCAC, and LSAC |
| | |
Paulette Brown |
President | (312) 988-5000 |
American Bar Association | |
| 321 North Clark Association | |
| Chicago, IL 60654-7598 | |
| abapresident@americanbar.org |
Party name: American Bar Association |
| | |
Willieta Burlette Carter |
George Washington University Law School | 202 994-5155 |
| 2000 H Street, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20052 | |
| bcarter@law.gwu.edu |
Party name: Professor W. Burlette Carter |
| | |
Jonathan M. Cohen |
Gilbert LLP | (202) 772-2259 |
| 1100 New York Ave., N.W. | |
| Suite 700 | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| cohenj@gotofirm.com |
Party name: Coalition of Bar Associations of Color |
| | |
Reed N. Colfax |
Relman, Dane & Colfax PLLC | 202-728-1888 |
| 1225 19th Street NW, Suite 600 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| rcolfax@relmanlaw.com |
Party name: Cecilia Polanco, et al. |
| | |
Monte Cooper |
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP | (650) 514-7400 |
| 1000 Marsh Road | |
| Menlo Park, CA 94025 | |
| mcooper@orrick.com |
Party name: 39 Undergraduate and Graduate Student Organizations Within the University of California |
| | |
Antonette Benita Cordero |
300 South Spring Street | (213)-897-2039 |
| Suite 1702 | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90013 | |
| antonette.cordero@doj.ca.gov |
Party name: California |
| | |
Peggy Cooper Davis |
New York University School of Law | (212) 998-6465 |
| 40 Washington Square South | |
| New York, NY 10012 | |
| davisp@mercury.law.nyu.edu |
Party name: Students from the New York University School of Law Seminar on Critical Narratives in Civil Rights |
| | |
Constance De la Vega |
University of San Francisco School of Law | (415) 422-2296 |
| 2130 Fulton Street | |
| San Francisco, CA 94117 | |
| delavega@usfca.edu |
Party name: Human Rights Advocates, et al. |
| | |
David W. DeBruin |
Jenner & Block LLP | (202) 639-6000 |
| 1099 New York Avenue, N.W. | |
| Suite 900 | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| ddebruin@jenner.com |
Party name: Fortune-100 and Other Leading American Businesses |
| | |
Walter Dellinger |
O'Melveny & Myers LLP | (202) 383-5319 |
| 1625 Eye Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| wdellinger@omm.com |
Party name: Leading Public Research Universities The University of Delaware, et al. |
| | |
John C. Eastman |
Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence | (877) 855-3330 |
| c/o Chapman University School of Law | |
| One University Drive | |
| Orange, CA 92866 | |
| jeastman@chapman.edu |
Party name: California Association of Scholars |
| | |
John P. Elwood |
Vinson & Elkins LLP | (202) 639-6500 |
| 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Suite 500 West | |
| Washington, DC 20037 | |
| jelwood@velaw.com |
Party name: University if Michigan |
| | |
Gordon M. Fauth Jr. |
Litigation Law Group | (510) 238-9610 |
| 1801 Clement Ave., Suite 101 | |
| Oakland, CA 94501 | |
| gmf@classlitigation.com |
Party name: Asian American Legal Foundation |
| | |
Chris Fedeli |
Judicial Watch, Inc. | (202) 646-5172 |
| 425 Third Street, SW, Ste. 800 | |
| Washington, DC 20024 | |
| cfedeli@judicialwatch.org |
Party name: Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. |
| | |
Peter J. Ferrara |
2011 Freedom Lane | (703) 582-8466 |
| Falls Church, VA 22043 | |
| peterferrara@msn.com |
Party name: American Civil Rights Union |
| | |
Aderson B. Francois |
Supervising Attorney Civil Rights Clinic | (202) 806-8065 |
| Howard University School of Law | |
| 2900 Van Ness Street NW | |
| Washington, DC 20008 | |
| afrancois@law.howard.edu |
Party name: Civil Rights Clinic and the Education Rights Center at Howard University School of Law |
| | |
Jonathan S. Franklin |
Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP | (202) 662-0466 |
| 799 9th Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| jonathan.franklin@nortonrosefulbright.com |
Party name: Association of American Medical Colleges, et al. |
| | |
Liliana M. Garces |
400 Rackley Building | (814) 865-9754 |
| University Park, PA 16802 | |
| lmg340@psu.edu |
Party name: 823 Social Scientists |
| | |
Albert Quoc Giang |
Caldwell Leslie & Proctor PC | (213)-629-9040 |
| 725 South Figueroa Street, 31st Floor | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90017-5524 | |
| giang@caldwell-leslie.com |
Party name: Members of Asian-Americans Advancing Justice, et al. |
| | |
Richard C. Godfrey |
Kirkland & Ellis LLP | (312) 862-2000 |
| 300 North LaSalle Street | |
| Chicago, IL 60654 | |
| richard.godfrey@kirkland.com |
Party name: American Jewish Committee, et al. |
| | |
Rachel D. Godsil |
Seton Hall University School of Law | (917) 304-2351 |
| One Newark Center | |
| Newark, NJ 07102 | |
| rachel.godsil@gmail.com |
Party name: Experimental Psychologists |
| | |
Shannon Lee Goessling |
Southeastern Legal Foundation, Inc. | (770) 977-2131 |
| 2255 Sewell Mill Rd., Suite 320 | |
| Marietta, GA 30062 | |
| shannon@southeasternlegal.org |
Party name: Southeastern Legal Foundation |
| | |
Stephen D Gordon |
Holland & Knight LLP | (202) 955-3000 |
| 800 17th Street NW, Suite 1100 | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| steven.gordon@hklaw.com |
Party name: Ruben Hinojosa, Member of Congress, et al. |
| | |
Melissa Hart |
University of Colorado Law School | (303) 735-6344 |
| Wolf Law Building | |
| UCB 401 | |
| Boulder, CO 80309 | |
| Melissa.hart@colorado.edu |
Party name: Religious Organizations and Campus Ministries, et al. |
| | |
Maura T. Healey |
Attorney General of Massachusetts | (617) 727-2200 |
One Ashburton Place | |
| Boston, MA 02108 | |
| maura.healey@state.ma.us |
Party name: Massachusetts, et al. |
| | |
Marc A. Hearron |
Morrison & Forester LLP | (202)-778-1663 |
| 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 6000 | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| MHearron@mofo.com |
Party name: Society for American Law Teachers |
| | |
Matthew Henshon |
Henshon Klein LLP | (617) 367-1800 |
| 120 Water St., 2nd Floor | |
| Boston, MA 02109 | |
| mhenshon@henshon.com |
Party name: National Association of Basketball Coaches, et al. |
| | |
David G. Hinojosa |
Intercultural Development Research Association | (210) 224-1710 |
| 5815 Callaghan Rd., Ste 101 | |
| San Antonio, TX 78205 | |
| dhinojosa@idra |
Party name: Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) |
| | |
Larry H. James |
Crabbe Brown & James LLP | (614) 228-5511 |
| 500 South Front Street, Suite 1200 | |
| Columbus, OH 43215 | |
| ljames@cbjlawyer.com |
Party name: Nationwide Coalition of Educators, et al. |
| | |
Pamela S. Karlan |
Stanford Law School | (650) 725-4851 |
| Supreme Court Litigation Clinic | |
| 559 Nathan Abbott Way | |
| Stanford, CA 94305-8610 | |
| karlan@stanford.edu |
Party name: Association of American Law Schools |
| | |
Peter N. Kirsanow |
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP | 216-363-4500 |
| 200 Public Square, Suite 2300 | |
| Cleveland, OH 44114 | |
| pkirsanow@beneschlaw.com |
Party name: Gail Heriot and Peter Kirsanow, Members of the United States Commission on Civil Rights |
| | |
Adam Lamparello |
Indiana Tech Law School Amicus Project | (260) 422-5561 |
| 1600 East Washington Blvd. | |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46803 | |
| AXLamparello@indianatech.edu |
Party name: Indiana Tech Law School Amicus Project |
| | |
Steven J. Lechner |
Mountain States Legal Foundation | (303) 292-2021 |
| 2596 South Lewis Way | |
| Lakewood, CO 80227 | |
| lechner@mountainstateslegal.com |
Party name: Mountain States Legal Foundation |
| | |
Eric L. Lewis |
Lewis Baach PLLC | (202) 833-8900 |
| 1899 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW | |
| Suite 600 | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| eric.lewis@lewisbaach.com |
Party name: 53 Current Members of the Texas State Senate and House of Representatives |
| | |
Lawrence S. Lustberg |
Gibbons P.C. | (973) 596-4731 |
| One Gateway Center | |
| Newark, NJ 07102-5310 | |
| llustberg@gibbonslaw.com |
Party name: Six Educational Nonprofit Organizations |
| | |
Martin Michaelson |
Hogan & Lovells US LLP | (202) 637-5600 |
| 555 Thirteenth Street, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| martin.michaelson@hoganlovells.com |
Party name: American Council on Education and 37 Other Higher Education Organizations |
| | |
Mitchell Y. Mirviss |
Venable LLP | (410) 244-7400 |
| 750 East Pratt Street, Suite 900 | |
| Baltimore, MD 21202 | |
| mymirviss@venable.com |
Party name: U.S. Senators Harry Reid, et al. |
| | |
Alice M. O'Brien |
National Education Association | (202) 822-7035 |
| 1201 16th Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| aobrien@nea.org |
Party name: National Education Association, et al. |
| | |
David Orentlicher |
Indiana University, School of Law | (317) 274-4993 |
| 530 W. New York Street | |
| lndianapolis, IN 46202-3225 | |
| dorentli@iu.edu |
Party name: David Orentlicher in support of neither party |
| | |
Meredith B. Parenti |
7500 San Felipe, Suite 600 | (281)-224-5848 |
| P.O. Box 19152 | |
| Houston, TX 77224 | |
| meredith@parentilaw.com |
Party name: Richard D. Kahlenberg in support of neither party |
| | |
John J. Park Jr. |
Strickland Brockington Lewis LLP | (678) 347-2208 |
| 1170 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 2200 | |
| Atlanta, GA 30309 | |
| jjp@sbllaw.net |
Party name: Southeastern Legal Foundation |
| | |
Dennis D. Parker |
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation | (212) 549-2500 |
| 125 Broad Street | |
| New York, NY 10004 | |
| dparker@aclu.org |
Party name: American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Texas |
| | |
Eva J. Paterson |
Equal Justice Society | (415) 288-8703 |
| 1999 Harrison St., Suite 800 | |
| Oakland, CA 94612 | |
| epaterson@equaljusticesociety.org |
Party name: Social and Organizational Psychologists |
| | |
Bradley S. Phillips |
Munger Tolles & Olson LLP | (213) 683-9100 |
| 355 South Grand Avenue, 35th Floor | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90071-1560 | |
| bradley.phillips@mto.com |
Party name: the President and the Chancellors of the University of California |
| | |
Carter G. Phillips |
Sidley Austin LLP | (202) 736-8000 |
| 1501 K Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| cphillips@sidley.com |
Party name: Dean Robert Post and Dean Martha Minow |
| | |
A.W. Phinney III. |
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. | (617) 542-6000 |
| One Financial Center | |
| Boston, MA 02111 | |
| AWPhinney@mintz.com |
Party name: Empirical Scholars |
| | |
Shakira Denise Pleasant |
association Professor | (912) 525-3900 |
Savannah Law School | |
| 5516 Drayton Street | |
| Savannah, GA 31401 | |
| spleasant@savannahlawschool.org |
Party name: Legal Scholars Defending Diversity in Higher Education |
| | |
Michael M. Purpura |
Carlsmith Ball LLP1001 Bishop St., Suite 2100 | (808) 523-2500 |
| Honolulu, HI 9680320502 | |
| mpurpura@carlsmith.com |
Party name: Lt. Gen. Julius W. Becton, Jr., et al. |
| | |
Felicia Reid |
Hirschfeld Kraemer LLP | (415) 835-9000 |
| 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1300 | |
| San Francisco, CA 94111 | |
| freid@hkemploymentlaw.com |
Party name: Current and Former Student Body Presidents of University of Texas at Austin |
| | |
Dean Richlin |
Foley Hoag LLP | (617) 832-1000 |
| 155 Seaport Boulevard | |
| Boston, MA 02210 | |
| drichlin@foleyhoag.com |
Party name: Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, et al. |
| | |
David B. Rivkin Jr. |
Baker & Hostetler LLP | (202) 861-1731 |
| 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| drivkin@bakerlaw.com |
Party name: The Cato Institute |
| | |
Michael E. Rosman |
Center for Individual Rights | (202) 833-8400 |
| 1233 20th St., NW, Suite 300 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| rosman@cir-usa.org |
Party name: Center for Individual Rights |
| | |
Charles A. Rothfeld |
Mayer Brown LLP | (202) 263-3000 |
| 1999 K Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| crothfeld@mayerbrown.com |
Party name: National Women's Law Center, et al. |
| | |
Sylvia Royce |
3509 Connecticut Avenue NW | (202) 362-3445 |
| #1176 | |
| Washington, DC 20008 | |
| sylvia_royce@hotmail.com |
Party name: Richard Lempert |
| | |
John Paul Schnapper-Casteras |
NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund | (202) 682-1300 |
| 1444 I Street NW | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| jschnapper@naacpldf.org |
Party name: the Black Student Alliance at the University of Texas at Austin, et al. |
| | |
David E. Schwartz |
Four Times Square | (212) 735-3000 |
| New York, NY | |
| david.schwartz@probonolaw.com |
Party name: United Negro College Fund and National Urban League |
| | |
Michael Y. Scudder Jr. |
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP | (312) 407-0700 |
| 155 North Wacker Drive | |
| Chicago, IL 60606-1720 | |
| Michael.Scudder@skadden.com |
Party name: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
| | |
Jay Alan Sekulow |
American Center for Law & Justice | (202) 546-8890 |
| 201 Maryland Ave., N.E. | |
| Washington, DC 20002 | |
| sekulow@aclj.org |
Party name: American Center for Law and Justice |
| | |
Pratik A. Shah |
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP | (202) 887-4000 |
1333 New Hampshire Ave., NW | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| pshah@akingump.com |
Party name: National School Boards Association, et al. |
| | |
Charles S. Sims |
Proskauer Rose LLP | (212) 969-3950 |
| Eleven Times Square | |
| New York, NY 10036 | |
| csims@proskauer.com |
Party name: Amherst College, et al. |
| | |
Paul M. Smith |
Jenner & Block LLP | (202) 639-6060 |
| 1099 New York Avenue, N.W. | |
| Suite 900 | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| psmith@jenner.com |
Party name: Brown University, et al. |
| | |
Stuart S. Taylor Jr. |
3911 Jocelyn St. NW | (202) 966-0677 |
| Washington, DC 20015 | |
| stuarttaylorjr@gmail.com |
Party name: Richard Sander in support of neither party |
| | |
David H. Tennant |
Nixon Peabody LLP | (585)-263-1021 |
| 1300 Clinton Square | |
| Rochester, NY 14618 | |
| dtennant@nixonpeabody.com |
Party name: New York State Bar Association |
| | |
Joshua P. Thompson |
Pacific Legal Foundation | (916)-419-7111 |
| 930 G Street | |
| Sacramento, CA 95814 | |
| jpt@pacificlegal.org |
Party name: Pacific Legal Foundation, et al. |
| | |
Jeffrey A. Udell |
Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP | (212)-451-2238 |
| Park Avenue Tower | |
| 65 East 55th Street | |
| New York, NY 10022 | |
| judell@olshanlaw.com |
Party name: California Institute of Technology, et al. |
| | |
G. Allan Van Fleet |
McDermott Will & Emery LLP | (713) 653-1703 |
| 1000 Louisiana, suite 3900 | |
| Houston, TX | |
| avanfleet@mwe.com |
Party name: The Family of Heman Sweatt |
| | |
Donald B. Verrilli Jr. |
Solicitor General | (202) 514-2217 |
United States Department of Justice | |
| 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20530-0001 | |
| SupremeCtBriefs@USDOJ.gov |
Party name: the United States |
| | |
Seth P. Waxman |
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP | (202) 663-6000 |
| 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| seth.waxman@wilmerhale.com |
Party name: Harvard University |
| | |
Joseph D. Weiner |
Littler Mendelson P.C. | 612.630.1000 |
| 80 South 8th Street, Suite 1300 | |
| Minneapolis, MN 55402 | |
| jweiner@littler.com |
Party name: American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity, et al. |
| | |
Kimberly C. West-Faulcon |
Loyola Law School | 213-736-8172 |
| 919 Albany Street | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90015 | |
| kimberly.west-faulcon@lls.edu |
Party name: Kimberly West-Faulcon |
| | |
Elizabeth B. Wydra |
Constitutional Accountability Center | (202) 296-6889 |
| 1200 18th St., N.W., Suite 501 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| elizabeth@theusconstitution.org |
Party name: Constitutional Law Scholars and Constitutional Accountability Center |
| | |
Jonathan R. Zell |
5953 Rock Hill Road | 614-864-2292 |
| Columbus, OH 43213 | |
| jonathan_zell@yahoo.com |
Party name: Jonathan Zell |