No. 24A854 *** CAPITAL CASE ***
Title:Brad Keith Sigmon, Applicant
South Carolina
Linked with 24-6709
Lower Ct:Supreme Court of South Carolina
   Case Numbers:(2025-000187)
   Decision Date:
   Rehearing Denied:
  Discretionary Court Decision Date:

DateProceedings and Orders
Mar 05 2025Application (24A854) for a stay of execution of sentence of death, submitted to The Chief Justice.
Main DocumentProof of Service
Mar 07 2025Application (24A854) referred to the Court.
Mar 07 2025Application (24A854) for stay of execution of sentence of death presented to The Chief Justice and by him referred to the Court is denied. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.

Attorneys for Petitioner
Gerald Wesley King Jr.
    Counsel of Record
Fed Public Defender Western Dist of North Carolina
129 West Trade Street
Suite 300
Charlotte, NC 28202
Party name: Brad Keith Sigmon