No. 23A851
Title:Thomas C. Alexander, in His Official Capacity as President of the South Carolina Senate, et al., Applicants
The South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, et al.
Docketed:March 20, 2024
Linked with 22-807
Lower Ct:United States District Court for the District of South Carolina
   Case Numbers:(3:21-cv-03302-MGL-TJH-RMG)
   Decision Date:
   Rehearing Denied:
  Discretionary Court Decision Date:

DateProceedings and Orders
Mar 18 2024Application (23A851) for a stay, submitted to The Chief Justice.
Main DocumentLower Court Orders/OpinionsProof of Service
Mar 21 2024Response to application (23A851) requested by The Chief Justice, due by noon (EDT), on March 25, 2024.
Mar 25 2024Response to application from respondents The South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, et al. filed.
Main DocumentProof of Service
Mar 26 2024Reply of applicants in support of the application for stay filed.
ReplyProof of Service
Mar 28 2024Letter of March 28, 2024 from counsel for Senate Appellants filed.
Main DocumentOther
Jun 03 2024Application (23A851) referred to the Court.
Jun 03 2024Application (23A851) denied by the Court.

Attorneys for Petitioners
John Matthew Gore
    Counsel of Record
Jones Day
51 Louisiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001

(202) 879-3939
Party name: Senate Appellants
Attorneys for Respondents
Adriel I. Cepeda Derieux
    Counsel of Record
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
(212) 549-2500
Party name: The South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP and Taiwan Scott
Leah Camille AdenNAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc.
40 Rector St.
5th Fl.
New York, NY 10006

Party name: The South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP and Taiwan Scott