No. 23-259
Title:Lewis County, Kentucky, et al., Petitioners
Julie Helphenstine, Administratrix of the Estate of Christopher Dale Helphenstine and Guardian of B. D. H., the Minor Son of Christopher Dale Helphenstine
Docketed:September 18, 2023
Linked with 23A13
Lower Ct:United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
   Case Numbers:(22-5407)
   Decision Date:February 9, 2023
   Rehearing Denied:April 18, 2023
  Discretionary Court Decision Date:

DateProceedings and Orders
Jul 05 2023Application (23A13) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from July 17, 2023 to September 15, 2023, submitted to Justice Kavanaugh.
Main DocumentLower Court Orders/OpinionsProof of Service
Jul 07 2023Application (23A13) granted by Justice Kavanaugh extending the time to file until September 15, 2023.
Sep 14 2023Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due October 18, 2023)
PetitionCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Oct 11 2023Brief amici curiae of Virginia Sheriffs' Association, et al. filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Oct 17 2023Brief amici curiae of National Troopers Coalition, et. al. filed.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceCertificate of Word Count
Oct 18 2023Waiver of right of respondent Helphenstine to respond filed.
Main Document
Oct 18 2023Brief amicus curiae of Shelby County Sheriff's Office filed.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceCertificate of Word Count
Oct 24 2023DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 11/9/2023.
Oct 30 2023Response Requested. (Due November 29, 2023)
Nov 03 2023Motion to extend the time to file a response from November 29, 2023 to December 29, 2023, submitted to The Clerk.
Main Document
Nov 06 2023Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including December 29, 2023.
Dec 28 2023Brief of respondent Julie Helphenstine in opposition filed.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceCertificate of Word Count
Dec 28 2023Waiver of the 14-day waiting period for the distribution of the petition pursuant to Rule 15.5 filed by petitioner.
Main Document
Jan 02 2024Reply of petitioners Lewis County, Kentucky, et al. filed. (Distributed)
Main DocumentProof of ServiceCertificate of Word Count
Jan 03 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/19/2024.
Jan 22 2024Petition DENIED.

Attorneys for Petitioners
R. Trent McCotter
    Counsel of Record
Separation of Powers Clinic, Gray Center
3301 Fairfax Dr.
Arlington, VA 22201
Party name: Lewis County, Kentucky, et al.
Attorneys for Respondent
Kelsi Brown Corkran
    Counsel of Record
Institute for Constitutional Advocacy & Protection
600 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001

Party name: Helphenstine
Michael Francis Imprevento
    Counsel of Record
Norfolk Sheriff's Office
140 East Street
Norfolk, VA 23510
Party name: Virginia Sheriffs Association
G. Gus Morris
    Counsel of Record
McGraw Morris P.C.
2075 West Big Beaver Road
Suite 750
Troy, MI 48084
Party name: National Troopers Coalition, et. al.
Emmett Lee Whitwell
    Counsel of Record
Shelby County Attorney's Office
160 N. Main, Suite 950
Memphis, TN 38103
Party name: Shelby County Sheriff's Office