No. 17-1529
Vide 17-1530, 17-1534
Title:Clearstream Banking S.A., Petitioner
Deborah D. Peterson, et al.
Docketed:May 10, 2018
Lower Ct:United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
   Case Numbers:(15-0690)
   Decision Date:November 21, 2017
   Rehearing Denied:February 7, 2018
  Discretionary Court Decision Date:

DateProceedings and Orders
May 08 2018Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due June 11, 2018)
Certificate of Word CountProof of ServicePetition
May 31 2018Motion to extend the time to file a response from June 11, 2018 to July 11, 2018, submitted to The Clerk.
Main Document
Jun 06 2018Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including July 11, 2018.
Jul 11 2018Brief of respondents Deborah D. Peterson, et al. in opposition filed. VIDED.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Jul 24 2018Reply of petitioner Clearstream Banking S.A. filed. (Distributed)
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Jul 25 2018DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 9/24/2018.
Oct 01 2018The Solicitor General is invited to file a brief in this case expressing the views of the United States.
Dec 09 2019Brief amicus curiae of United States filed. VIDED.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word Count
Dec 20 2019Supplemental brief of petitioner Clearstream Banking S.A. filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Dec 20 2019Supplemental brief of United States filed. VIDED.(Distributed)
Main DocumentCertificate of Word Count
Dec 23 2019DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/10/2020.
Dec 23 2019Supplemental brief of respondents Deborah D. Peterson, et al. filed. VIDED. (Distributed)
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Jan 13 2020Petition GRANTED. Judgment VACATED and case REMANDED for further consideration in light of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, Pub. L. No. 116-__ (S. 1790).

Attorneys for Petitioner
Benjamin Shalom Kaminetzky
    Counsel of Record
Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
450 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Party name: Clearstream Banking S.A.
Attorneys for Respondents
Matthew Dempsey McGill
    Counsel of Record
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Party name: Deborah D. Peterson, et al.
Liviu VogelSalon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP
292 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Party name: PETERSON, et al.
Noel J. Francisco
    Counsel of Record
Solicitor General
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Party name: United States