~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~Phone~~~ |
Attorneys for Petitioners: | | |
Paul D. Clement |
Bancroft PLLC | (202) 234-0090 |
Counsel of Record | 500 New Jersey Ave., NW | |
| Seventh Floor | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| pclement@bancroftpllc.com |
Party name: Petitioners in Nos. 15-35, 15-105, 15-119, & 15-191 |
| | |
Noel J. Francisco |
Jones Day | (202) 879-3939 |
Counsel of Record | 51 Louisiana Ave., N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| njfrancisco@jonesday.com |
Party name: Petitioners in Nos. 14-1418, 14-1453 & 14-1505 |
| | |
David A. Cortman |
Alliance Defending Freedom | (770) 339-0774 |
| 1000 Hurricane Shoals Road, N.E., Suite D-1100 | |
| Lawrenceville, GA 30043 | |
| dcortman@ADFlegal.org |
Party name: Southern Nazarene University, et al. |
| | |
Robert Joseph Muise |
American Freedom Law Center | (734) 635-3756 |
| P.O. Box 131098 | |
| Ann Arbor, MI 48113 | |
| rmuise@americanfreedomlawcenter.org |
Party name: Priests for Life, et al. |
| | |
Paul M. Pohl |
Jones Day | (412) 391-3939 |
| 500 Grant St., Suite 4500 | |
| Pittsburgh, PA 15219 | |
| pmpohl@jonesday.com |
Party name: David A. Zubik, et al. |
Attorneys for Respondents: | | |
Donald B. Verrilli Jr. |
Solicitor General | (202) 514-2217 |
Counsel of Record |
United States Department of Justice | |
| 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20530-0001 | |
| SupremeCtBriefs@USDOJ.gov |
Party name: Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al. |
Other: | | |
John D. Adams |
McGuireWoods LLP | (804) 775-4744 |
| 800 East Canal Street | |
| Richmond, VA 23219 | |
| jadams@mcguirewoods.com |
Party name: Law Professors Bruce P. Frohnen, et al. |
| | |
Helen M. Alvare |
George Mason University School of Law | (703) 993-9845 |
| 3301 Fairfax Dr. | |
| Arlington, VA 22201 | |
| halvare@gmu.edu |
Party name: Women Speak for Themselves |
| | |
Brigitte Amiri |
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation | (212) 549-2500 |
| 125 Broad Street | |
| New York, NY 10004 | |
| bamiri@aclu.org |
Party name: American Civil Liberties Union, et al. |
| | |
Mark G. Arnold |
Husch Blackwell LLP | (314) 480-1500 |
| 190 Carondelet Plaza | |
| Suite 600 | |
| St. Louis, MO 63105 | |
| mark.arnold@huschblackwell.com |
Party name: Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged, Denver, Colorado, et al. v. Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al. |
| | |
Timothy Belz |
Ottsen, Leggat & Belz, L.C. | (314) 726-2800 |
112 S. Hanley Rd., Suite 200 | |
| St. Louis, MO 63105 | |
| tbelz@omlblaw.com |
Party name: CNS International Ministries, Inc. and Heartland Christian College |
| | |
Dorinda C. Bordlee |
Bioethics Defense Fund | (504) 231-7234 |
| 3312 Cleary Avenue | |
| Metairie, LA 70002 | |
| dbordlee@bdfund.org |
Party name: the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute |
| | |
Brian D. Boyle |
O'Melveny & Myers, LLP | (202) 383-5300 |
| 1625 Eye Street, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| bboyle@omm.com |
Party name: Christian and Missionary Alliance Foundation, Inc., et al. |
| | |
David C. Boyle |
P.O. Box 15143 | (734)-904-6132 |
| Long Beach, CA 90815 | |
| dbo@boyleslaw.org |
Party name: David Boyle |
| | |
Sarah E. Burns |
Reproductive Justice Clinic Washington Square Legal Service, Inc. | (212) 998-6464 |
| NYU School of Law, 245 Sullivan Street | |
| New York, NY 10012 | |
| sarah.burns@nyu.edu |
Party name: National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, et al. |
| | |
Miles E. Coleman |
Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP | (803) 799-2000 |
| 1320 Main Street | |
| Columbia, SC 29201 | |
| miles.coleman@nelsonmullins.com |
Party name: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, et al. |
| | |
Daniel P. Collins |
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP | (213) 683-9100 |
| 355 South Grand Ave., 35th Fl. | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90071-1560 | |
Party name: Ethics and Public Policy Center |
| | |
Charles E. Davidow |
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP | (202) 223-7300 |
| 2001 K Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| cdavidow@paulweiss.com |
Party name: National Women's Law Center and 68 Other Organizations |
| | |
Dwight G. Duncan |
Colbe Mazzarella | (508) 985-1124 |
| 333 Faunce Corner Road | |
| North Dartmouth, MA 02747 | |
| dduncan@umassd.edu |
Party name: Residents and Families of Residents at Homes of the Little Sisters of the Poor |
| | |
S. Kyle Duncan |
Schaerr l Duncan LLP | (202) 714-9492; (202) 787-1060 |
| 1717 K Street, NW, Suite 900 | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| kduncan@schaerr-duncanpllc.com |
Party name: Eternal Word Television Network |
| | |
John C. Eastman |
Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence | (877) 855-3330 |
| c/o Chapman University School of Law | |
| One University Drive | |
| Orange, CA 92866 | |
| jeastman@chapman.edu |
Party name: Bart Stupak, et al.. |
| | |
Lisa Catherine Ehrlich |
Deputy Attorney General | 510-622-2210 |
1515 Clay Street | |
| Oakland, CA 94162-0550 | |
| lisa.ehrlich@doj.ca.gov |
Party name: California, et al. |
| | |
John A. Eidsmoe |
Foundation for Moral Law | (334) 262-1245 |
| One Dexter Avenue | |
| Montgomery, AL 36104 | |
| eidsmoeja@juno.com |
Party name: Foundation for Moral Law |
| | |
Jon B. Eisenberg |
Horvitz & Levy LLP | (818) 995-0800 |
| 15760 Ventura Boulevard 18th Floor | |
| Encino, CA 91436 | |
| jeisenberg@horvitzlevy.com |
Party name: Compassion & Choices |
| | |
Jessica L. Ellsworth |
Hogan Lovells US LLP | (202) 637-5886 |
| 555 Thirteenth Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| jessica.ellsworth@hoganlovells.com |
Party name: The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance, et al. |
| | |
Steven W. Fitschen |
The National Legal Foundation | (757)-463-6133 |
| 2224 Virginia Beach Blvd. | |
| Suite 204 | |
| Virginia Beach, VA 23454 | |
| nlf@nlf.net |
Party name: Concerned Women for America |
| | |
Gordon J. Gamm |
6609 Baseline Rd | (303) 543-9166 |
| Boulder, CO 80303 | |
| mindread@mindspring.com |
Party name: American Humanist Association |
| | |
Scott W. Gaylord |
Elon University Law School | (336) 279-9331 |
| 201 North Greene Street | |
| Greensboro, NC 27401 | |
| sgaylord@elon.edu |
Party name: ACNA Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy, et al. |
| | |
Thomas Edward Gorman |
633 Battery Street | 415-391-5400 |
| San Francisco, CA 94111-1809 | |
| tgorman@kvn.com |
Party name: American Academy of Pediatrics |
| | |
Brianne Jenna Gorod |
Constitutional Accountability Center | (202) 296-6889 |
| 1200 18th Street, NW | |
| Suite 501 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| brianne@theusconstitution.org |
Party name: Military Historians |
| | |
Leslie Carol Griffin |
4505 S. Maryland Parkway | (702) 598-2071 |
| Box 451003 | |
| Las Vegas, NV 89154-1003 | |
| leslie.griffin@stanfordalumni.org |
Party name: Catholics for Choice, et al. |
| | |
Richard Shawn Gunnarson |
Kiront McConckie | (801) 328-3600 |
| 1800 World Trade Center | |
| 60 East South Temple Street | |
| Salt Lake City, UT 84111 | |
| sgunnarson@kmclaw.com |
Party name: National Association of Evangelicals, et al., |
| | |
Marci A. Hamilton |
Fox Family Pavilion Distinguished Scholar | (215) 353-8984 |
| Robert A. Fox Leadership Program | |
| University of Pennsylvania | |
| 3814 Walnut Street | |
| Philadelphia, PA 19104-6198 | |
| hamilton.marci@gmail.com |
Party name: Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged, Denver, Colorado, et al. v. Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al. |
| | |
Erin Morrow Hawley |
University of Missouri | (573) 823-1256 |
| School of Law | |
| 212 Hulston Hall | |
| Columbia, MO 62511 | |
| hawleye@missouri.edu |
Party name: Independent Women's Forum |
| | |
James L. Hirsen |
505 S. Villa Real Drive | (714) 283-8880 |
| Suite 208 | |
| Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 | |
| hirsen@earthlink.net |
Party name: Justice and Freedom fund |
| | |
Thomas G. Hungar |
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP | (202) 955-8500 |
| 1050 Connecticut Ave, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| thungar@gibsondunn.com |
Party name: Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles, et al. |
| | |
Lawrence J. Joseph |
1250 Connecticut Ave., NW | (202) 355-9452 |
| Suite 200 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| lj@larryjoseph.com |
Party name: Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, Inc. |
| | |
Scott A. Keller |
Solicitor General of the State of Texas | (512) 936-1700 |
Office of the Attorney General of Texas | |
| P.O. Box 12548 (MC 059) | |
| Austin, TX 78711-2548 | |
| scott.keller@texasattorneygeneral.gov |
Party name: Texas, et al. |
| | |
Robert K. Kelner |
Covington & Burling LLP | (202) 662-6000 |
| 850 Tenth Street, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| rkelner@cov.com |
Party name: 207 Members of Congress |
| | |
David R. Langdon |
Langdon Law LLC | (513) 577-7380 |
| 8913 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd. | |
| West Chester, OH 45069 | |
| dlangdon@langdonlaw.com |
Party name: Michael J. New, Ph.D., Associate Scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute |
| | |
Douglas Laycock |
University of Virginia School of Law | (434) 243-8546 |
| 580 Massie Road | |
| Charlottesville, VA 22903 | |
| dlaycock@virginia.edu |
Party name: Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty |
| | |
Martin S. Lederman |
Georgetown University Center | (202) 662-9937 |
| 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| msl46@law.georgetown.edu |
Party name: Scholars of Religious Liberty Sarah Barringer Gordon, et al. |
| | |
Jay P. Lefkowitz |
Kirkland & Ellis LLP | (212) 446-4800 |
| 601 Lexington Avenue | |
| New York, NY 10022 | |
| lefkowitz@kirkland.com |
Party name: Former Justice Department Officials |
| | |
Nathan Lewin |
Lewin & Lewin, LLP | (202) 828-1000 |
| 888 17th Street, NW, 4th Floor | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| nat@lewinlewin.com |
Party name: National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs (COLPA) |
| | |
Gregory M. Lipper |
Americans United for Separation of Church and State | (202) 466-3234 |
| 1901 L Ste. 400 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| lipper@au.org |
Party name: 240 Students, Faculty, and Staff at Religiously Affiliated Universities |
| | |
Matthew T. Martens |
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP | (202) 663-6000 |
1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| matthew.martens@wilmerhale.com |
Party name: Christian Legal Society, et al. |
| | |
Anna-Rose Mathieson |
California Appellate Law Group LLP | (415) 649-6700 |
| 96 Jessie Street | |
| San Francisco, CA 94105 | |
| annarose@calapplaw.com |
Party name: The Guttmacher Institute, and Professor Sara Rosenbaum |
| | |
Erin Elizabeth Mersino |
Thomas More Law Center | (734) 827-2001 |
| 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive | |
| PO Box 393 | |
| Ann Arbor, MI 48106 | |
| emersino@thomasmore.org |
Party name: Thomas More Law Center |
| | |
Matthew T. Nelson |
Warner Norcross & Judd LLP | (616) 752-2000 |
| 900 Fifth Third Center | |
| 111 Lyon Street, N.W. | |
| Grand Rapids, MI 49503 | |
| mnelson@wnj.com |
Party name: Council for Christian Colleges & Universities |
| | |
Burt Neuborne |
40 Washington Square South | (212) 998-6172 |
| New York, NY 10012 | |
| burt.neuborne@nyu.edu |
Party name: Norman Dorsen, et al. |
| | |
L. Martin Nussbaum |
Lewis, Roca, Rothgerber, Christie, LLP | 719.386.3004 |
| 90 South Cascade Ave Ste. 1100 | |
| Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | |
| mnussbaum@Irrc.com |
Party name: The Catholic Benefits Association, et al. |
| | |
L. Martin Nussbaum |
90 South Cascade Ave. | 719.386.3000 |
| Suite 1100 | |
| Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | |
| nussbaum@Irrc.com |
Party name: The Catholic Benefits Association, et al. |
| | |
Eileen J. O'Connor |
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP | (202) 663-8380 |
| 1200 Seventeenth Sttreet, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| eilee.oconnor@pillsburylaw.com |
Party name: Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, et al. |
| | |
David A. O'Neil |
Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP | (202) 383-8000 |
| 801 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| daoneil@debevoise.com |
Party name: 123 Members of the United States Congress |
| | |
Mark A. Packman |
Gilbert LLP | (202) 772-2200 |
| 1100 New York Avenue, NW | |
| Suite 700 | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| packmanm@gotofirm.com |
Party name: Black Women's Health Imperative |
| | |
Jane Perkins |
National Health Law Program | (919)-968-6308 |
| 200 N. Greensboro Street | |
| Suite D-13 | |
| Carrboro, NC 27510 | |
| perkins@healthlaw.org |
Party name: The National Health Law Program, et al. |
| | |
Anthony R. Picarello Jr. |
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops | (202) 541-3300 |
| 3211 Fourth Street, N.E. | |
| Washington, DC 20017 | |
| apicarello@usccb.org |
Party name: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, et al. |
| | |
Jennifer C. Pizer |
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc | (213) 382-7600 |
| 4221 Wilshire Blvd. | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90010 | |
| jpizer@lambdalegal.org |
Party name: Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., et al. |
| | |
Wesley R. Powell |
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP | (212) 728-8000 |
| 787 Seventh Avenue | |
| New York, NY 10019 | |
| wpowell@willkie.com |
Party name: Former State Attorneys General, et al. |
| | |
D. John Sauer |
James Otis Law Group LLC | (314) 854-1372 |
| 231 S. Benniston Ave., Suite 800 | |
| St. Louis, MO 63105 | |
| jsauer@jamesotis.com |
Party name: 50 Catholic Theologians and Ethicists |
| | |
Gene Clayton Schaerr |
Schaerr Law Group | (202)-361-1061 |
| 332 Constitution Avenue NE | |
| Washington, DC 20002 | |
| gschaerr@gmail.com |
Party name: Religious Institutions |
| | |
Andrew L. Schlafly |
939 Old Chester Road | (908) 719-8608 |
| Far Hills, NJ 07931 | |
| aschlafly@aol.com |
Party name: Catholic Defense League |
| | |
Bruce H. Schneider |
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP | (212) 806-5400 |
| 180 Maiden Lane | |
| New York, NY 10038 | |
| bschneider@stroock.com |
Party name: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, et al. |
| | |
Arthur A. Schulcz Sr. |
Chaplains' Counsel PLLC | (703) 645-4010 |
| 21043 Honeycreeper PL. | |
| Leesburg, VA 20175 | |
| art@chaplainscounsel.com |
Party name: International Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers |
| | |
Jay Alan Sekulow |
American Center for Law & Justice | (202) 546-8890 |
| 201 Maryland Ave., N.E. | |
| Washington, DC 20002 | |
| sekulow@aclj.org |
Party name: American Center for Law and Justice |
| | |
Carmel Dori Shachar |
Harvard Law School | (617) 390-2588 |
| Center for Health Policy Innovation | |
| 122 Boylston St | |
| Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 | |
| cshachar@law.harvard.edu |
Party name: Harvard Law School Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, et al. |
| | |
Derek L. Shaffer |
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP | (202)-538-8000 |
| 777 6th Street NW, 11th Floor | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| derekshaffer@quinnemanuel.com |
Party name: Anti-Defamation League, et al. |
| | |
Ilya Shapiro |
Cato Institute | (202) 842-0200 |
| 1000 Massachusetts Ave., NW | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| ishapiro@cato.org |
Party name: The Cato Institute and Independent Women's Forum |
| | |
Marjorie E. Sheldon |
Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel, LLP | 127159100 |
| 1177 Avenue of the Americas | |
| New York, NY 10036 | |
| msheldon@kramerlevin.com |
Party name: Foreign and International Law Experts Lawrence O. Gostin, et al. |
| | |
Ryan A. Shores |
Hunton & Williams LLP | (202) 955-1500 |
| 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW | |
| Washington, DC 20037 | |
| rshores@hunton.com |
Party name: Constitutional Law Scholars |
| | |
Howard Nathan Slugh |
2400 Virginia Ave., NW | (954) 328-9461 |
| Apt. C619 | |
| Washington, DC 20037 | |
| hslugh@gmail.com |
Party name: Orthodox Jewish Rabbis |
| | |
Mailee R. Smith |
Americans United for Life | (202)-289-1478 |
| 655 15th St NW, Suite 410 | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| mailee.smith@AUL.org |
Party name: Association of American Physicians & Surgeons, et al. |
| | |
Mathew D. Staver |
Liberty Counsel | (800) 671-1776 |
| P.O. Box 540774 | |
| Orlando, FL 327854 | |
| court@lc.org |
Party name: Liberty Counsel |
| | |
Marc D. Stern |
American Jewish Committee | (212) 891-1480 |
| 165 East 56th Street | |
| New York, NY 10022 | |
| sternm@ajc.org |
Party name: American Jewish Committee, et al. |
| | |
Aaron M. Streett |
Baker Botts L.L.P. | (713) 229-1855 |
| 910 Louisiana Street | |
| Houston, TX 77002-4995 | |
| aaron.streett@bakerbotts.com |
Party name: Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc., et al. |
| | |
Edward Tabash |
11511 West Olympic Blvd. | (310) 279-5120 |
| Suite 400 | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90064 | |
| etabash@centerforinquiry.net |
Party name: The Center for Inquiry, and American Atheists |
| | |
Herbert W. Titus |
William J. Olson, PC | (703) 356-5070 |
| 370 Maple Avenue West | |
| Suite 4 | |
| Vienna, VA 22180 - 5615 | |
| wjo@mindspring.com |
Party name: U.S. Justice Foundation, et al. |
| | |
Catherine Weiss |
Lowenstein Sandler LLP | (973) 597-2500 |
| 65 Livingston Avenue | |
| Roseland, NJ 07068 | |
| cweiss@lowenstein.com |
Party name: Church-State Scholars |
| | |
Marcy J. Wilder |
Hogan Lovells US LLP | (202) 367-5600 |
| 555 Thirteenth St., N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| marcy.wilder@hoganlovells.com |
Party name: Health Policy Experts |