~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~Phone~~~ |
Attorneys for Petitioners: | | |
Alan Gura |
Gura & Possessky, PLLC | (703) 835-9085 |
| 105 Oronoco Street | |
| Suite 305 | |
| Alexandria, VA 22314 | |
| alan@gurapossessky.com |
Party name: Raymond Woollard, et al. |
Attorneys for Respondents: | | |
Matthew John Fader |
Office of the Attorney General | 410-576-7906 |
Counsel of Record | 200 St. Paul Place, 20th Floor | |
| Baltimore, MD 21202 | |
| mfader@oag.state.md.us |
Party name: Denis Gallagher, et al. |
| | |
Other: | | |
Anthony T. Caso |
Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence | (714) 628-2666 |
| c/o Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University | |
| One University Drive | |
| Orange, CA 92886 | |
| caso@chapman.edu |
Party name: Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence |
| | |
Paul D. Clement |
Bancroft PLLC | (202) 234-0090 |
| 1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 470 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| pclement@bancroftpllc.com |
Party name: National Rifle Association, Inc. |
| | |
Peter J. Ferrara |
20594 Woodmere Court | (703)-582-8466 |
| Sterling, VA 20165 | |
| peterferrara@msn.com |
Party name: American Civil Rights Union |
| | |
David T. Hardy |
8987 E. Tanque Verde | (520) 749-0241 |
| No. 265 | |
| Tucson, AZ 85749-8226 | |
| dhardy@mindspring.com |
Party name: Academics for the Second Amendment |
| | |
Charles Kevin. Marshall |
Jones Day | (202) 879-3939 |
| 51 Louisiana Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20001-2113 | |
| ckmarshall@jonesday.com |
Party name: Cato Institute |
| | |
William J. Olson |
William J.Olson PC | (703) 356-5070 |
| 370 Maple Avenue West, Suite 4 | |
| Vienna, VA 22180-5615 | |
| wjo@mindspring.com |
Party name: Gun Owners Foundation, et al. |