~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~Phone~~~ |
Attorneys for Petitioner: | | |
Donald B. Verrilli Jr. |
Solicitor General | (202) 514-2217 |
Counsel of Record |
United States Department of Justice | |
| 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20530-0001 | |
| SupremeCtBriefs@USDOJ.gov |
Party name: United States |
Attorneys for Respondents: | | |
Paul D. Clement |
Bancroft PLLC | (202) 234-0090 |
Counsel of Record | 1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 470 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| pclement@bancroftpllc.com |
Party name: Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the United States House of Representatives |
| | |
Roberta A. Kaplan |
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP | (212) 373-3000 |
Counsel of Record | 1285 Avenue of the Americas | |
| New York, NY 10019-6064 | |
| rkaplan@paulweiss.com |
Party name: Edith Schlain Windsor, in Her Capacity as Executor of the Estate of Thea Clara Spyer |
Other: | | |
Helen M. Alvare |
George Mason University School of Law | (703) 993-9845 |
| 3301 Fairfax Dr. | |
| Arlington, VA 22201 | |
| halvare@gmu.edu |
Party name: Helen M. Alvare |
| | |
Peter T. Barbur |
Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP | (212) 474-1000 |
| 825 Eighth Avenue | |
| New York, NY 10019 | |
| pbarbur@cravath.com |
Party name: Empire State Pride Agenda, et al. |
| | |
Laurel G. Bellows |
President | (312) 988-5000 |
American Bar Association | |
| 321 North Clark Street | |
| Chicago, IL 60054 | |
| abapresident@americanbar.org |
Party name: American Bar Association (Merits) |
| | |
Nicole G. Berner |
1800 Massachusetts Ave. NW | (202) 730-7383 |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| nicole.berner@seiu.org |
Party name: American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Carmine D. Boccuzzi Jr. |
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton | (212) 225-2000 |
| One Liberty Plaza | |
| New York, NY 10006 | |
| cboccuzzi@cgsh.com |
Party name: American Sociological Association (Merits) |
| | |
Elise C. Boddie |
NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. | (212) 965-2200 |
| 99 Hudson Street, 16th Floor | |
| New York, NY 10013 | |
| eboddie@naacpldf |
Party name: NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. (Merits) |
| | |
David C. Boyle |
P.O. Box 15143 | (734)-904-6132 |
| Long Beach, CA 90815 | |
| dbo@boyleslaw.org |
Party name: David Boyle |
| | |
Gerard V. Bradley |
3156 Eck Hall of Law | (574)-631-8385 |
| Notre Dame, IN 46556 | |
| gerard.v.bradley.16@nd.edu |
Party name: Dr. Paul McHugh (Merits) |
| | |
Anita Susan Brenner |
301 East Colorado Boulevard | (616)-792-3175 |
| Suite 614 | |
| Pasadena, CA 91101 | |
| info@torresbrenner.com |
Party name: Los Angeles County Bar Association, et al. |
| | |
J. Robert Brown Jr. |
University of Denver | (303)-871-6254 |
| Sturm College of Law | |
| Denver, CO 80208 | |
| jbrown@law.du.edu |
Party name: Scholars of the Constitutional Rights of Children (Merits) |
| | |
Dean Robert Broyles |
National Center for Law & Policy | (760)-747-4529 |
| 539 West Grand Avenue | |
| Escondido, CA 92025 | |
| dbroyles@nclplaw.org |
Party name: Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (Merits) |
| | |
G. Eric Brunstad Jr. |
Dechert LLP | (860) 524-3999 |
| 90 State House Square | |
| Hartford, CT 06103 | |
| eric.brunstad@dechert.com |
Party name: Honorable John K. Olson (Merits) |
| | |
Paul C. Burke |
36 South State Street, Suite 1400 | (801) 532-1500 |
| Salt Lake City, UT 84111 | |
| pburke@rqn.com |
Party name: Utah Pride Center, et al. |
| | |
Holly L. Carmichael |
2635 Camino de Rio South, Suite 109 | (408)-838-1212 |
| San Diego, CA 92108 | |
| holly.1.carmichael@gmail.com |
Party name: Concerned Women for America |
| | |
David C. Codell |
The Williams Institute | (310) 267-4382 |
| UCLA School of Law | |
| Box 951476 | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90095-1476 | |
| david@codell.com |
Party name: National Women's Law Center, et al. |
| | |
Catherine R. Connors |
Pierce Atwood LLP | (207) 791-1389 |
| Merrill's Wharf | |
| 254 Commerce Street | |
| Portland, ME 04101 | |
| cconnors@pierceatwood.com |
Party name: Historians, American Historical Association, et al. |
| | |
Walter Dellinger |
O'Melveny & Myers LLP | (202) 383-5319 |
| 1625 Eye Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| wdellinger@omm.com |
Party name: Family Law Professors, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Deborah Dewart |
620 E. Sabiston Drive | (910)-326-4554 |
| Swansboro, NC 28584-9674 | |
| debcpalaw@earthlink.net |
Party name: Liberty, Life and Law Foundation, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
William C. Duncan |
Marriage Law Foundation | (801)-367-4570 |
| 1868 N 800 E | |
| Lehi, UT 84043 | |
| duncanw@marriagelawfoundation.org |
Party name: National Organization for Marriage (Merits) |
| | |
W. Cole Durham Jr. |
J. Reuben Clark Law School | (801) 422-6842 |
| 452 JRCB | |
| Provo, UT 84602 | |
| durhamc@lawgate.byu.edu |
Party name: international jurists and academics (merits) |
| | |
John C. Eastman |
Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence | (714) 628-2587 |
| c/o Chapman University School of Law | |
| One University Drive | |
| Orange, CA 92886 | |
| jeastman@chapman.edu |
Party name: Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence (Jurisdiction) |
| | |
John A. Eidsmoe |
Foundation for Moral Law | (334) 262-1245 |
| One Dexter Avenue | |
| Montgomery, AL 36104 | |
| eidsmoeja@juno.com |
Party name: Foundation for Moral Law |
| | |
Roy T. Englert Jr. |
Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber LLP | (202) 775-4500 |
| 1801 K Street, N.W., Suite 411 | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| renglert@robbinsrussell.com |
Party name: Federalism Scholars (Merits) |
| | |
Peter J. Ferrara |
2011 Freedom Lane | (703) 582-8466 |
| Falls Church, VA 22043 | |
| peterferrara@msn.com |
Party name: American Civil Rights Union (Merits) |
| | |
Thomas M. Fisher |
Solicitor General | (317) 232-6255 |
Office of the Attorney General | |
| IGC South, Fifth Floor | |
| 302 W. Washington Street | |
| Indianapolis, IN 46204 | |
| Tom.Fisher@atg.in.gov |
Party name: Indiana and 16 other states (Merits) |
| | |
Steven W. Fitschen |
The National Legal Foundation | (757)-463-6133 |
| 2224 Virginia Beach Blvd. | |
| Suite 204 | |
| Virginia Beach, VA 23454 | |
| nlf@nlf.net |
Party name: The Beverly LaHaye Institute, et al. |
| | |
Jonathan S. Franklin |
Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. | (202) 662-0466 |
| 801 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| jonathan.franklin@nortonrosefullbright.com |
Party name: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Robert P. George |
Robinson & McElwee | (609) 258-3270 |
| 500 Virginia Street | |
| East Suite 600 | |
| Charleston, WV 25326 | |
| rgeorge@princeton.edu |
Party name: Robert P. George, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Douglas Hallward-Driemeier |
Ropes & Gray LLP | (202) 508-4600 |
| One Metro Center | |
| 700 12th Street, NW, Suite 900 | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| Douglas.Hallward-Driemeier@ropesgray.com |
Party name: Anti-Defamation League, et al. |
| | |
Elizabeth L. Hileman |
Hileman & Associates, P.C. | (301) 652-1448 |
| 7979 Old Georgetown Rd., Suite 600 | |
| Bethesda, MD 20814 | |
| ehileman@hilemanlaw.com |
Party name: American Humanist Association and American Atheists, Inc., et al. |
| | |
Nan D. Hunter |
Georgetown University Law Center | (202) 662-9399 |
| 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| ndh5@law.georgetown.edu |
Party name: Professors Nan D. Hunter, et al. |
| | |
Vicki C. Jackson |
1545 Massachusetts Ave. | (617) 496-0555 |
| Cambridge, MA 02138 | |
| vjackson@law.harvard.edu |
Party name: Court-appointed amicus curiae |
| | |
Lawrence J. Joseph |
1250 Connecticut Ave., NW | (202) 355-9452 |
| Suite 200 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| lj@larryjoseph.com |
Party name: Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, Inc. (Merits) |
| | |
Katherine Keating |
560 Mission Street, 25th Floor | (415)-268-2000 |
| San Francisco, CA 94105 | |
| katherine.keating@bryancave.com |
Party name: Family Equality Council, et al. |
| | |
Von G. Keetch |
Kirton & McConkie | (801) 328-3600 |
| 60 East South Temple | |
| Salt Lake City, UT 84111 | |
| vkeetch@kmclaw.com |
Party name: National Association of Evangelicals (Merits) |
| | |
Douglas Laycock |
University of Virginia School of Law | (434) 243-8546 |
| 580 Massie Road | |
| Charlottesville, VA 22903 | |
| dlaycock@virginia.edu |
Party name: American Jewish Committee (Merits) |
| | |
Robert Bradley Lewis |
248 Richmond St | (985) 735-9003 |
| Bogalusa, LA 70427 | |
| rbl@bradlewislaw.com |
Party name: Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Charles S. Limandri |
PO Box 9120 | (858) 759-9948 |
| Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 | |
| cslimandri@limandri.com |
Party name: Catholic Answers, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Marjorie P. Lindblom |
Kirkland & Ellis LLP | (212) 446-4800 |
| 601 Lexington Avenue | |
| New York, NY 10022 | |
| marjorie.lindblom@kirkland.com |
Party name: Gary J. Gates (Merits) |
| | |
Paul Benjamin Linton |
Special Counsel | (847) 291-3848 |
Thomas More Society | |
| 931 Keystone Avenue | |
| Northbrook, IL 60062 | |
Party name: Family Research Council |
| | |
Robert A. Long Jr. |
Covington & Burling LLP | (202) 662-6000 |
| 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| rlong@cov.com |
Party name: Political Science Professors |
| | |
Christopher D. Man |
Chadbourne & Parke LLP | (202) 974-5600 |
| 1200 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| cman@chadbourne.com |
Party name: OutServe-SLDN Inc. |
| | |
John W. Mauck |
Mauck & Baker | (312) 726-1243 |
| Suite 600 | |
| One North LaSalle Street | |
| Chicago, IL 60602 | |
| jmauck@mauckbaker.com |
Party name: Manhattan Declaration (Merits) |
| | |
Lori Alvino McGill |
Latham & Watkins LLP | (202)-637-2319 |
| 555 11th Street, NW | |
| Suite 1000 | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| lori.alvino.mcgill@lw.com |
Party name: Constitutional Law Scholars Bruce Ackerman, et al. |
| | |
Robert J. McNamara |
901 N Glebe Road, Suite 900 | (703)-682-9320 |
| Arlington, VA 22203 | |
| rmcnamara@ij.org |
Party name: Institute for Justice (Merits) |
| | |
Alan B. Morrison |
George Washington University Law School | (202) 994-7120 |
| 2000 H Street NW | |
| Washington, DC 20052 | |
| abmorrison@law.gwu.edu |
Party name: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (Merits) |
| | |
Sharon L. Nelles |
125 Broad Street | (212)-558-4000 |
| New York, NY 10004 | |
| nelless@sullcrom.com |
Party name: Family and Child Welfare Law Professors (Merits) |
| | |
Miriam R. Nemetz |
Mayer Brown LLP | (202) 263-3000 |
| 1999 K Street NW | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| mnemetz@mayerbrown.com |
Party name: 172 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 40 U.S. Senators |
| | |
Nicholas M. O'Donnell |
One Post Office Square | (617)-338-2814 |
| Boston, MA 02109 | |
| nodonnell@sandw.com |
Party name: GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LBGT Equality (Gay and Lesbian Medical Association) concerning the immutability of sexual orientation (Merits) |
| | |
Abram J. Pafford |
Pafford Lawrence & Childress PLLC | (202) 756-4886 |
| 1776 I Street NW, Suite 900 | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| apafford@fflaw.com |
Party name: Social Science Professors (Merits) |
| | |
Margie J. Phelps |
3734 SW 12th Street | (785) 408-4598 |
| Topeka, KS 66604 | |
| margie.phelps@cox.net |
Party name: Westboro Baptist Church in support of neither party (Merits) |
| | |
Carter G. Phillips |
Sidley Austin LLP | (202) 736-8270 |
| 1501 K Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| cphillips@sidley.com |
Party name: Hon. Lawrence J. Korb, et al. |
| | |
Anthony R. Picarello Jr. |
3211 Fourth Street, N.E. | (202) 541-3300 |
| Washington, DC 20017 | |
| apicarello@usccb.org |
Party name: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (Merits) |
| | |
Andrew J. Pincus |
Mayer Brown LLP | (202) 263-3000 |
| 1999 K Street, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20006-1101 | |
| apincus@mayerbrown.com |
Party name: Constitutional Law Scholars (Jurisdiction) |
| | |
Trevor Potter |
Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered | (202) 862-5092 |
| 1 Thomas Circle, N.W., Suite 1100 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| tpotter@capdale.com |
Party name: Former Federal Election Commission Officials (Merits) |
| | |
Eric C. Rassbach |
Becket Fund for Religious Liberty | (202) 349-7214 |
| 3000 K Street, NW, Suite 220 | |
| Washington, DC 20007 | |
| erassbach@becketfund.org |
Party name: The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty (Merits) |
| | |
Christopher S. Rhee |
555 12th Street, N.W. | (202)-942-5524 |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| christopher.rhee@aporter.com |
Party name: Dr. Donna E. Shalala, et al. |
| | |
Sanford Jay Rosen |
Rosen Bien & Galvan LLP | (415) 433-6830 |
| 315 Montgomery Street | |
| 10th Floor | |
| San Francisco, CA 94104-1823 | |
| SRosen@rbgg.com |
Party name: Survivors of Sexual Orientation Change Therapies |
| | |
Kevin K. Russell |
Goldstein & Russell, P.C. | (202) 362-0636 |
| 5225 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 404 | |
| Washington, DC 20015 | |
| kr@goldsteinrussell.com |
Party name: Former Senators Bill Bradley, et al. |
| | |
Dovid Zechariah Schwartz |
147-40 72nd Avenue | (917)-680-6632 |
| Flushing, NY 11367 | |
| dzsesq@gmail.com |
Party name: Dovid Z. Schwartz |
| | |
James F. Segroves |
Proskauer Rose LLP | (202) 416-6800 |
| 1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| jsegroves@proskauer.com |
Party name: Former Federal Intelligence Officer (Merits) |
| | |
Jay Alan Sekulow |
American Center for Law & Justice | (202) 546-8890 |
| 201 Maryland Ave., N.E. | |
| Washington, DC 20002 | |
| sekulow@aclj.org |
Party name: Former Attorneys General Edwin Meese III and John Ashcroft in support of neither party (Jurisdiction) out of time |
| | |
William F. Sheehan |
Goodwin Procter LLP | (202) 346-4000 |
| 5901 New York Avenue, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| wsheehan@goodwinprocter.com |
Party name: American Psychological Association, et al. |
| | |
Paul M. Smith |
Jenner & Block LLP | (202) 639-6000 |
| 1099 New York Avenue, N.W. | |
| Suite 900 | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| psmith@jenner.com |
Party name: Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, et al. |
| | |
Sri Srinivasan |
Acting Solicitor General | (202) 514-2217 |
United States Department of Justice | |
| 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20530-0001 | |
| SupremeCtBriefs@USDOJ.gov |
Party name: United States v. Edith Schlain Windsor, in Her Capacity as Executor of the Estate of Thea Clara Spyer, et al. |
| | |
Mathew D. Staver |
Liberty Counsel | (800) 671-1776 |
| P.O. Box 540774 | |
| Orlando, FL 32854 | |
| court@lc.org |
Party name: Liberty Counsel (Merits) |
| | |
Michael L. Stern |
8529 Century Oak Court | (703) 186-7581 |
| Fairfax Station, VA 20515 | |
| stern8529@verizon.net |
Party name: United States Senators Orrin Hatch, et al. |
| | |
Catherine E. Stetson |
Hogan Lovells US LLP | (202) 637-5491 |
| 555 Thirteenth Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| cate.stetson@hoganlovells.com |
Party name: Organization of American Historians, et al. |
| | |
Monte Neil Stewart |
Belnap Stewart Taylor & Morris, PLLC | (208) 345-3333 |
| 12500 W. Explorer Drive | |
| Suite 100 | |
| Boise, ID 83713 | |
| stewart@belnaplaw.com |
Party name: Coalition for the Protection of Marriage (Merits) |
| | |
A. Lavar Taylor |
Director | (714) 546-0445 |
Center for Fair Administration of Taxes | |
| 6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 880 | |
| Santa Ana, CA 92707 | |
| ltaylor@taylorlaw.com |
Party name: Fair Administration of Taxes (Merits) |
| | |
Herbert W. Titus |
William J. Olson, PC | (703) 356-5070 |
| 370 Maple Avenue West, Suite 4 | |
| Vienna, VA 22180 - 5615 | |
| wjo@mindspring.com |
Party name: Citizens United's National Committee for Family, Faith and Prayer, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Jeffrey S. Trachtman |
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP | (212) 715-9100 |
| 1177 Avenue of the Americas | |
| New York, NY 10036 | |
| jtrachtman@kramerlevin.com |
Party name: Bishops of the Episcopal Church in the States of California, et al. |
| | |
Joseph F. Tringali |
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP | (212) 455-2000 |
| 425 Lexington Avenue | |
| New York, NY 10017 | |
| jtringali@stblaw.com |
Party name: Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Barbara D. Underwood |
Solicitor General | (212) 416-8016 |
Office of the Attorney General | |
| 120 Broadway, 25th Floor | |
| New York, NY 10463 | |
| barbara.underwood@ag.ny.gov |
Party name: New York, et al. (Merits) |
| | |
Kristen Kellie Waggoner |
Ellis, Li & McKinstry PLLC | (206) 682-0565 |
| 2025 1st Avenue, PH-A | |
| Seattle, WA 98121-3125 | |
| kwaggoner@elmlaw.com |
Party name: Matthew B. O'Brien (Merits) |
| | |
Lynn Dennis Wardle |
J.Reuben Clark Law School | (801) 422-2617 |
| Room 518 | |
| Provo, UT 84602 | |
| wardlel@law.byu.edu |
Party name: Law Professors (Merits) |
| | |
Sabin Willett |
Bingham McCutcheon LLP | (617) 951-8000 |
| One Federal Street | |
| Boston, MA 02110 | |
| sabin.willett@bingham.com |
Party name: 278 Employers and Organizations Representing Employers (Merits) |
| | |
Paul R.Q. Wolfson |
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP | (202) 663-6390 |
| 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| paul.wolfson@wilmerhale.com |
Party name: Former Senior Justice Department Officials, et al. (Jurisdiction) |
| | |
Marc Wolinsky |
Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz | (212) 403-1000 |
| 51 West 52nd Street | |
| New York, NY 10019 | |
| MWolinsky@WLRK.com |
Party name: Partnership for New York City (Merits) |
| | |
Elizabeth B. Wydra |
Constitutional Accountability Center | (202) 296-6889 |
| 1200 18th St., N.W., Suite 501 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| elizabeth@theusconstitution.org |
Party name: Cato Institute and Constitutional Accountability Center |