~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~Phone~~~ |
Attorneys for Petitioner: | | |
Randy V. Thompson |
Nolan, MacGregor, Thompson & Leighton | (651) 227-6661 |
Counsel of Record | 710 Lawson Commons | |
| 380 St. Peter Street | |
| St. Paul, MN 55102 | |
Party name: Margaret A. Penn |
Attorneys for Respondents: | | |
Theodore B. Olson |
Solicitor General | (202) 514-2217 |
United States Department of Justice | |
| 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20530-0001 | |
| SupremeCtBriefs@USDOJ.gov |
Party name: Larry A. Bodin, et al. |