~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~Phone~~~ |
Attorneys for Petitioners: | | |
Jeffrey B. Wall |
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP | (202) 956-7500 |
Counsel of Record | 1700 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 700 | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| wallj@sullcrom.com |
Party name: Stryker Corporation, et al. |
| | |
Sharon Ann Hwang |
McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. | (312) 775-8000 |
| 500 West Madison St., Suite 3400 | |
| Chicago, IL 60661 | |
| shwang@mcandrews-ip.com |
Party name: Stryker Corporation, et al. |
Attorneys for Respondents: | | |
Seth P. Waxman |
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP | (202) 663-6000 |
Counsel of Record | 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| seth.waxman@wilmerhale.com |
Party name: Zimmer, Inc. and Zimmer Surgical, Inc. |
| | |
Donald R. Dunner |
Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner LLP | (202) 408-4060 |
| 901 New York Avenue NW | |
| Washington, DC 20001-4413 | |
| don.dunner@finnegan.com |
Party name: Zimmer, Inc., and Zimmer Surgical, Inc. |
| | |
Mark L. Hogge |
Dentons US LLP | (202) 496-7500 |
| 1301 K Street, NW | |
| East Tower, Suite 600 | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| mark.hogge@dentons.com |
Party name: Pulse Electronics, Inc., et al. |
Other: | | |
Andrew S. Baluch |
Strain & Strain PLLC | (202) 621-1872 |
| 1455 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 400 | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| abaluch@strainpllc.com |
Party name: Independent Inventor Group |
| | |
Andrew S. Baluch |
Strain & Strain PLLC | (202) 621-1872 |
| 1455 Pennsylvania Ave., NW | |
| Suite 400 | |
| Washington, DC 20004 | |
| abaluch@foley.com |
Party name: Small Inventors |
| | |
Paul H. Berghoff |
McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP | (312) 913-0001 |
| 300 South Wacker Drive | |
| Chicago, IL 60606 | |
| Berghoff@mbhb.com |
Party name: Intellectual Property Owners Association in support of neither party |
| | |
Paul D. Clement |
Bancroft PLLC | (202) 234-0090 |
| 500 New Jersey Ave., NW | |
| Seventh Floor | |
| Washington, DC 20001 | |
| pclement@bancroftpllc.com |
Party name: Google Inc., et al. |
| | |
Kevin J. Culligan |
Goodwin Procter LLP | (212) 556-2112 |
| The New York Times Bldg. | |
| 620 Eighth Ave. | |
| New York, NY 10036 | |
| kculligan@goodwinprocter.com |
Party name: Askeladden LLC in support of neither party |
| | |
Matthew James Dowd |
Andrews Kurth LLP | (202) 662-2700 |
| 1350 I Street NW | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| matthewdowd@andrewkurth.com |
Party name: Professor Mossoff in support of neither party |
| | |
Charles Duan |
Public Knowledge | (202) 861-0020 |
| 1818 N Street, NW, Suite 410 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| cduan@publicknowledge.org |
Party name: Public Knowledge, The Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Engine Advocacy in support of neither party |
| | |
John D. Haynes |
Alston & Bird LLP | (404) 881-7000 |
| 1201 W. Peachtree Street | |
| Atlanta, GA 30309 | |
| john.haynes@alston.com |
Party name: Nokia Technologies Oy and Nokia USA Inc. |
| | |
Thomas G. Hungar |
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP | (202) 955-8500 |
| 1050 Connecticut Ave, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| thungar@gibsondunn.com |
Party name: EMC Corporation |
| | |
Daniel Mark Lechleiter |
Faeger, Baker, Daniels, LLP | (317) 237-0300 |
| 300 N. Meridian St., Suite 2700 | |
| Indianapolis, IN 46204 | |
| DML@FaegreBD.com |
Party name: Certain Members of Congress |
| | |
Mark Lemley |
Durie Tangri LLP | (415) 362-6666 |
| 217 Leidesdorff Street | |
| San Francisco, CA 94111 | |
| mlemley@durietangri.com |
Party name: Internet Companies |
| | |
Roman Martinez V. |
Assistant to the Solicitor General | (202) 514-2201 |
United States Department of Justice | |
| 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W | |
| Washington, DC 20530 | |
Party name: United States |
| | |
Mike McKool Jr. |
McKool Smith PC | (214) 978-4900 |
| 300 Crescent Court | |
| Suite 1500 | |
| Dallas, TX 75201 | |
| mmckool@mckoolsmith.com |
Party name: Ericsson Inc. in support of neither party |
| | |
James C. Otteson |
Arnold & Porter, LLP | (650) 798-2920 |
| Suite 110 | |
| 1801 Page Mill Road | |
| Palo Alto, CA 94304 | |
| James.Otteson@aporter.com |
Party name: Innovention Toys, LLC |
| | |
Andrew J. Pincus |
Mayer Brown LLP | (202) 263-3127 |
| 1999 K Street, NW | |
| Washington, DC 20006 | |
| apincus@mayerbrown.com |
Party name: BSA I The Software Alliance |
| | |
Christopher B. Seaman |
1 Denny Circle | 540-458-8520 |
| Lexington, VA 24450 | |
| seamanc@wlu.edu |
Party name: Intellectual Property Professors in support of neither party |
| | |
Kannon K. Shanmugam |
Williams & Connolly LLP | (202) 434-5000 |
| 725 Twelfth Street, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20005 | |
| kshanmugam@wc.com |
Party name: Intel Corp., et al. |
| | |
Aaron M. Streett |
Baker Botts L.L.P. | (713) 229-1855 |
| 910 Louisiana Street | |
| Houston, TX 77002-4995 | |
| aaron.streett@bakerbotts.com |
Party name: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. |
| | |
Daniel S. Stringfield |
115 South LaSalle Street, Suite 3100 | 3125771300 |
| Chicago, IL 60603 | |
| dstringfield@steptoe.com |
Party name: Licensing Executives Society (U.S.A. and Canada), Inc. in support of neither party |
| | |
Kathleen M. Sullivan |
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP | (212) 849-7000 |
| 51 Madison Ave., 22nd Floor | |
| New York, NY 10010 | |
| kathleensullivan@quinnemanuel.com |
Party name: Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |
| | |
Peter A. Sullivan |
Foley Hoag LLP | (646) 927-5500 |
| 1540 Broadway, 23rd Floor | |
| New York, NY 10036 | |
| psullivan@foleyhoag.com |
Party name: American Intellectual Property Law Association in support of neither party |
| | |
John Thorne |
Kellogg Huber Hansen Todd Evans & Figel PLLC | (202) 326-7900 |
| 1615 M Street, NW | |
| Suite 400 | |
| Washington, DC 20036 | |
| jthorne@khhte.com |
Party name: Dell, et al. |
| | |
John D. Vandenberg |
Klarquist Sparkman LLP | (503)-595-5300 |
| 121 S.W.Salmon Street | |
| Suite 1600 | |
| Portland, OR 97204 | |
| john.vandenberg@klarquist.com |
Party name: Mentor Graphics Corp., et al. in support of neither party |
| | |
Donald B. Verrilli Jr. |
Solicitor General | (202) 514-2217 |
United States Department of Justice | |
| 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | |
| Washington, DC 20530-0001 | |
| SupremeCtBriefs@USDOJ.gov |
Party name: the United States |