~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~Phone~~~ |
Attorneys for Petitioner: | | |
Gary G. Kreep |
United Sates Justice Foundation | (760) 788-6624 |
| 932 D Street, Suite 3 | |
| Ramona, CA 92065 | |
| ggklawoffice@gmail.com |
Party name: Alan Keyes, et al. |
Attorneys for Respondents: | | |
Marc E. Elias |
Perkins Coie, LLP | (202) 654-6200 |
Counsel of Record | 700 Thirteenth Street, NW, Suite 600 | |
| Washington, DC 20005-3960 | |
| melias@perkinscoie.com |
Party name: President Barack Obama, and Vice-President Joseph Biden Jr. |
| | |
Peter A. Krause |
Deputy Attorney General | (916)-324-5328 |
Counsel of Record |
Office of the Attorney General | |
| 1300 I Street, Suite 125 | |
| Sacramento, CA 95814 | |
| peter.krause@doj.ca.gov |
Party name: Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State |
| | |
Fredric D. Woocher |
Strumwasser & Woocher LLP | (310) 576-1233 |
Counsel of Record | 10940 Wilshire Boulevard, | |
| Suite 2000 | |
| Los Angeles, CA 90024 | |
| fwoocher@strumwooch.com |
Party name: 55 California Presidential Electors of 2008, (Aleita Huguenin, et al.) |