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Docket for 08-680
No. 08-680
Maryland, Petitioner
Michael Blaine Shatzer, Sr.
Docketed:November 24, 2008
Lower Ct:Court of Appeals of Maryland
  Case Nos.:(124, September Term, 2007)
  Decision Date:August 26, 2008
Questions Presented

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings  and  Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nov 24 2008 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due December 24, 2008)
Dec 23 2008 Brief of respondent Michael Blaine Shatzer, Sr. in opposition filed.
Dec 23 2008 Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis filed by respondent.
Jan 7 2009 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 23, 2009.
Jan 26 2009 Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis filed by respondent GRANTED.
Jan 26 2009 Petition GRANTED.
Feb 18 2009 The time within which to file the joint appendix and petitioner's brief on the merits is extended to and including April 13, 2009.
Mar 25 2009 The time within which to file respondent's brief on the merits is extended to and including June 1, 2009.
Apr 13 2009 Joint appendix filed. Statement of costs received.
Apr 13 2009 Brief of petitioner Maryland filed.
Apr 20 2009 Brief amicus curiae of United States filed.
Apr 20 2009 Brief amici curiae of Florida, et al. filed.
Apr 20 2009 Brief amicus curiae of Criminal Justice Legal Foundation filed.
May 29 2009 Brief of respondent Michael Blaine Shatzer, Sr. filed.
Jun 3 2009 Motion of the Solicitor General for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus curiae and for divided argument filed.
Jun 5 2009 Brief amicus curiae of National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers filed.
Jun 29 2009 Reply of petitioner Maryland filed.
Jul 16 2009 SET FOR ARGUMENT ON Monday, October 5, 2009.
Jul 17 2009 CIRCULATED.
Jul 27 2009 Motion of the Solicitor General for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus curiae and for divided argument GRANTED.
Aug 3 2009 Briefs received from the Court of Appeals of Maryland. (1 envelope)
Aug 8 2009 Record received from Court of Appeals of Maryland. (1 envelope)
Aug 27 2009 Record received from Circuit Court for Washington County (1 envelope)
Oct 5 2009 Argued. For petitioner: Douglas F. Gansler, Attorney General, Baltimore, Md.; and Toby J. Heytens, Assistant to the Solicitor General, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. (for United States, as amicus curiae.) For respondent: Celia A. Davis, Assistant Public Defender, Baltimore, Md.
Feb 24 2010 Judgment REVERSED and case REMANDED. Scalia, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which Roberts, C. J., and Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, Alito, and Sotomayor, JJ., joined, and in which Thomas, J., joined as to Part III. Thomas, J., filed an opinion concurring in part and concurring in the judgment. Stevens, J., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment.
May 4 2010 Record returned to Court of Appeals of Maryland.
May 4 2010 Record returned to Circuit Court for Washington County Maryland.

~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioner:
Brian S. Kleinbord Assistant Attorney General(410) 576-6435
    Counsel of Record 200 St. Paul Place, 17th Floor
Baltimore, MD  21202
Party name: Maryland
Douglas F. Gansler Attorney General(410)-576-6311
200 Saint Paul Place
Baltimore, MD  21202
Party name: Maryland
Attorneys for Respondent:
Celia Anderson Davis Assistant Public Defender(410) 767-8527
    Counsel of Record Office of Public Defender, Appellate Division
6 Saint Paul Street, Suite 1302
Baltimore, MD  21202-1608
Party name: Michael Blaine Shatzer, Sr.
Toby Jay Heytens Assistant to the Solicitor General
Department of Justice
Washington, DC  20530
Party name: Maryland v. Michael Blaine Shatzer, Sr.
Elena Kagan Solicitor General(202) 514-2217
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC  20530-0001
Party name: United States
Scott D. Makar Solicitor General(850) 414-3300
Office of Attorney General of Florida
The Capitol,Suite PL-01
Tallahassee, FL  32399
Party name: Florida, et al.
Daniel Meron Latham & Watkins LLP(202) 637-2218
555 11th Street, NW, Ste. 1000
Washington, DC  20004
Party name: National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Kent S. Scheidegger Criminal Justice Legal Foundation(916) 446-0345
2131 L Street
Sacramento, CA  95816
Party name: Criminal Justice Legal Foundation


SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543